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Duo Laroo/Byrd | Frank Ong-Alok CD release: "Mi Keti Koti"

(CEST, UTC+02) (CEST, UTC+02)

Arte Vita Keukens, Houtmarkt 63-b, Zutphen, the Netherlands

Mi Keti Koti Cd presentatie Frank Ong-Alok met Saskia Laroo & Warren Byrd.

Op 30 juni is Arte Vita van Lajos Nagy het décor van twee muzikale events in Zutphen. Frank Ong-Alok zal zijn nieuwe CD presenteren met de titel Mi Keti Koti. Eén dag voor de nationale herdenking van 150 jaar afschaffing slavernij. Zijn muziek op dit album betreft 20 nummers waarmee hij zich verbonden voelt. Maar ook muziek waarmee hij toch een tijd lang met name tijdens zijn conservatoriumstudie zich van verwijderd voelde. De laatste jaren verschoof zijn voorliefde voor de Surinaamse muziek en taal naar een meer prominente plek in zijn leven. De Surinaamse taal, het Sranan tongo, is een levende taal die zich steeds weer vernieuwd. Het is ook een poëtische taal. Het taalgebied is uiteraard niet zo groot maar dat neemt niet weg dat er toch veel in gezongen wordt. Het openingsnummer ‘Ten kon dray’, De tijden zijn veranderd, opent met de woorden van niemand minder dan Z.K.H. Willem Alexander. Deze historische woorden sprak hij vorig jaar uit in het openbaar tijdens de gemaakte excuses voor het slavernijverleden van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. De eerste vier nummers van het album hebben allen betrekking op dat onderwerp. Met als afsluiting ‘Wi sa doro Yanda’. Een hertaling van het nummer ‘We shall overcome’ als een teken van hoop dat het historisch besef in Nederland lange tijd geen kans kreeg om te groeien vanwege de minimale aandacht die aan deze barbaarse periode uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis werd besteed. Ook nummers als Black Magic Woman van Carlos Santana, ‘Laat me’ van Ramses Shaffy en ‘Bridge over troubled water’ van Simon & Garfunkel ondergingen een hertaling in een eigenzinnig muzikaal jasje met hier en daar een exotisch tintje. Vele bekende artiesten hebben meegewerkt aan dit album dat gepaard gaat met een Persoonlijk Pamflet waarin Frank vertelt over zijn nieuw verkregen levensinzichten naarmate de jaren verstrijken. Zo zijn o.a. te beluisteren saxofonisten Hans Dulfer en Caesar Franklin Breeveld, fluitist Ronald Snijders, gitarist Tiago Lageira, zangeres Fleur Tolman, percussionist Carlo Hoop en mondharmonicaspeelster Hermine Deurloo. Zanger Oscar Harris verzorgde en zong op zijn beurt een hertaling van ‘Wonderful tonight’ van Eric Clapton. De vader van Frank, André Ong-Alok was een bekende gitaarpedagoog zowel in Suriname als in Nederland. Enkele arrangementen van zijn muziek staan ook op dit album. Mi Keti Koti is daarom niet alleen een breuk met het huidige verleden, het is ook een zoektocht naar verbinding en het verkennen van nieuwe wegen zowel in menselijk als muzikaal opzicht. De presentatie start om 15.00 uur. Om 15.30 uur zal de bekende trompettiste Saskia Laroo samen met haar Partner de Amerikaanse toesenist en zanger Warren Byrd een volledig optreden verzorgen. Saskia Laroo staat bekend als een flamboyante muzikant en een fenomenale improvisator. Arte Vita bevindt zich aan de Houtmarkt 63-B in Zutphen. De toegang is gratis en een donatie is welkom. Voor meer info mail naar fttp@planet.nl.

🎷✨ a Jazzy afternoon with Duo Laroo/Byrd at Arte Vita and more!

Get ready for an enchanting afternoon at Artevita Keukens in Zutphen with the Duo Laroo/Byrd Experience. This performance features the renowned Saskia Laroo, known globally for her masterful trumpet playing, and the talented Warren Byrd, a pianist and vocalist of international acclaim. Their show combines the soothing sounds of organic acoustic jazz with lively electric grooves, providing a unique auditory experience. #DuoLarooByrd #LiveMusic #JazzAfternoon #ArteVitaKeukens #SaskiaLaroo #WarrenByrd #JazzConcert #OrganicJazz #ElectricGrooves #JazzFusion #LiveJazz #MusicEvent #ZutphenEvents #JazzExperience #AcousticJazz #TraditionalJazz #ModernJazz #JazzFestival #JazzPerformance

📅 Date: June 30, 2024
🕕 Time: 3pm📍 Location: Arte Vita Keukens, Houtmarkt 63-b, Zutphen, the Netherlands Line up: * Warren Byrd: keys, vocals, bongos * Saskia Laroo: trumpet, alto sax, bass, vocals

About the music: Duo Laroo/Byrd blends organic jazz rooted in American bebop, gospel, and blues. Their diverse repertoire ranges from eclectic to swinging interpretations of classic material and original compositions. Known for their celebrated album "Two of a Kind" and new, unreleased songs, their performances promise a captivating mix of traditional jazz with modern twists.

About Duo Laroo/Byrd: Trumpeter/composer/bandleader Saskia Laroo from Amsterdam and international pianist/composer Warren Byrd from the United States have been a strong musical duo for over 15 years. They have made significant contributions to the professional music world, both domestically and internationally. They have performed at festivals and concert halls in countries such as Hong Kong, Burundi, Vietnam, the US, and Indonesia. In 2011, they released the album "Two Of A Kind, a tribute to Miles & Monk"

Duo Laroo/Byrd | Jazz In The Space: Live video recording

(CEST, UTC+02) (CEST, UTC+02)

New Space Studio, Saturnusstraat 9, The Hague, the Netherlands

Duo Laroo/Byrd Live at New Space Studio Experience a 45-minute set of original jazz, funk, and blues styles with Warren Byrd on piano, keys, vocals, and bongos, and Saskia Laroo on trumpet, alto sax, bass, and vocals. This live performance and video recording event will feature two or more other talented local jazz bands from The Hague, each playing a filmed set. #LiveMusic #Jazz #Funk #Blues #SaskiaLaroo #WarrenByrd #MusicConcert #JazzFusion #AcousticJazz #ElectricJazz #DuoLarooByrd #NewSpaceStudio

📅 Date: June 22, 2024 🕕 Time: 8pm 📍 Location: New Space Studio, Saturnusstraat 9, The Hague, the Netherlands

Line up: Warren Byrd: piano, keys, vocals, bongos Saskia Laroo: trumpet, alto sax, bass, vocals

About the music: Duo Laroo/Byrd craft a diverse musical tapestry of today's organic jazz styles that are deeply rooted in American bebop, gospel, and blues traditions. Their repertoire spans an array of genres, from subdued eclectic to exuberant swinging interpretations of specially selected classic material to their own captivating originals.

About Duo Laroo/Byrd: Trumpeter/composer/bandleader Saskia Laroo from Amsterdam and international pianist/composer Warren Byrd from the United States have been a strong musical duo for over 15 years. They have made significant contributions to the professional music world, both domestically and internationally. They have performed at festivals and concert halls in countries such as Hong Kong, Burundi, Vietnam, the US, and Indonesia. In 2011, they released the album "Two Of A Kind, a tribute to Miles & Monk".

About New Space Studio: New Space Studio is an independent studio and venue based in The Hague, known for hosting a variety of local and international artists and events.

New Space Studio Presents:

Jazz In The Space

22nd of June

3 live recording sessions of exclusive acts Laroo/Byrd, Koen van der Linden Trio and OCELO.

Duo Laroo / Byrd

Duo Laroo/Byrd craft a diverse musical tapestry of today's organic jazz styles that are deeply rooted in American bebop, gospel, and blues traditions. Their repertoire spans an array of genres, from subdued eclectic to exuberant swinging interpretations of specially selected classic material to their own captivating originals.

Koen van der Linden Trio

Koen van der Linden is a Royal Conservatory graduate in jazz piano, and a self taught trumpet player. He is based in the Hague and plays around in the Dutch jazz scene and with his own trio. In his playing you can find a sincere love for old jazz standards, next to a wide range of modern day influences and above all, a great passion.


OCELO quartet is a modern Jazz quartet based in Den Haag (NL). The members, Pablo Cruz (Cuba), Emiliano Roca (IT), Arjun Sunil Ramdas (IND) and Leo Michael Bird (CH/USA) met while studying at the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag.

The quartets musical influences are as broad as their cultural backgrounds and the members connected through their love for the colorful variety of Jazz from across the Americas.

Doors: 19:30

Start first concert: 20:30

Tickets: 7,-

Address: Saturnusstraat 9, 2516 AD, Den Haag

Tickets $7 for 3 bands

Duo Laroo/Byrd @ Live aan de Waal

(CEST, UTC+02) (CEST, UTC+02)

Vief, Waalkade 66, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

🎷✨ Mr Jazz & VIEF presents Duo Laroo/Byrd Live!

Enjoy pure organic acoustic jazz and electric grooves with Duo Laroo/Byrd. This collaboration features the world-renowned trumpeter Saskia Laroo and the versatile international pianist/vocalist Warren Byrd. #LiveMusic #Jazz #OrganicGrooves #ElectricJazz #SaskiaLaroo #WarrenByrd #JazzConcert #MusicFestival #JazzDuo #GlobalPerformance #JazzFusion #AcousticJazz #liveperformance

📅 Date: June 13, 2024
🕕 Time: 9pm (doors open 8pm)
📍 Location: VIEF Nijmegen, Waalkade 66, tel: +31(0)24-8483665 info@viefnijmegen.nl

Line up: * Warren Byrd: keys, vocals, bongos * Saskia Laroo: trumpet, alto sax, bass, vocals

About the music: Duo Laroo/Byrd craft a diverse musical tapestry of today's organic jazz styles that are deeply rooted in American bebop, gospel, and blues traditions. Their repertoire spans an array of genres, from subdued eclectic to exuberant swinging interpretations of specially selected classic material to their own captivating originals.

About Duo Laroo/Byrd: Trumpeter/composer/bandleader Saskia Laroo from Amsterdam and international pianist/composer Warren Byrd from the United States have been a strong musical duo for over 15 years. They have made significant contributions to the professional music world, both domestically and internationally. They have performed at festivals and concert halls in countries such as Hong Kong, Burundi, Vietnam, the US, and Indonesia. In 2011, they released the album "Two Of A Kind, a tribute to Miles & Monk".

(in Dutch) Over Saskia Laroo: Men noemt haar weleens de Europese Miles Davis of ‘Lady Miles’. En dat is geen verkeerde vergelijking. Saskia Laroo draait al 4 decennia mee in de internationale jazzscene. Op de trompet uiteraard maar ook op de saxofoon kan ze zeer goed overweg. Ze maakte al 7 albums en staat ook als gast op albums van o.a. Hans Dulfer en Rosa King. Qua stijl is zij absoluut heel divers. Ze speelt jazz, Latin, dance. En met veel eigen stukken laat zij zien dat ze een geheel eigen geluid heeft. Dat typische geluid komt mede tot stand door het gebruik van uitgekiende elektronische gadgets zoals de wah-wah en de delay. Samen met haar Amerikaanse partner toetsenist en zanger Warren Byrd brengt zij een zeer levendig programma waarbij je soms als publiek letterlijk omver wordt geblazen door haar indrukwekkende composities en speelstijl. Ze is een echt podiumdier met een fantastische uitstraling en ze neemt samen met Warren het publiek mee langs een moody en groovy experience zoals alleen zij dat kan

Your suggested donation | vrije gift

🎹 Close out Jazz Aan De Sjtasie 2024 with 'Lazy Sunday'!

Join us on June 9 in Swalmen for the festival finale. Warren Byrd and I, your artists in residence, will feature at 8 PM with the Saskia Laroo Band. Don't miss other top acts like the Masha Bijlsma Sextet and Limburgs Jazz Collectief. Watch out for jazz legends Joseph 'Mr. Defunkt' Bowie and Kim Clarke alongside local talents such as Coen van Dam, Funky Ferd, and Steady Freddy.

About Jazz Aan de Sjtasie: Experience our dynamic jazz scenes June 7-9 across multiple indoor and outdoor stages, including spontaneous performances and DJAZZDANCE's sets. Stay updated via jazzaandesjtasie.nl. #JazzAanDeSjtasie #JazzMusic #SaskiaLaroo #WarrenByrd #LazySundayJazz #FestivalFinale

Early Bird: 3 day pass: Euro 30

🎸 Experience Day Two of Jazz Aan De Sjtasie 2024 in Swalmen!

Join artists in residence Warren Byrd and me for an electrifying lineup including the 'Ladies In Jazz' event led by Kim Clarke, alongside other acts like The Preacher Men, Alpacas Collective, and Saturday Night Funk Express. Don't miss spontaneous performances from jazz legends like Joseph 'Mr. Defunkt' Bowie, and local talents Coen van Dam, Funky Ferd, and Steady Freddy.

About Jazz Aan de Sjtasie: This vibrant festival June 7-9 features multiple stages for an unforgettable mix of scheduled shows and impromptu jams, highlighted by DJAZZDANCE's beats. For more updates, visit jazzaandesjtasie.nl. Celebrate jazz in its finest form at our unique, groovy event in Swalmen, near Roermond. #JazzAanDeSjtasie #JazzMusic #SaskiaLaroo #WarrenByrd #JazzSaturday #LadiesInJazz #GlobalJazzIcons

Early Bird: 3 day pass: Euro 30

🎷✨Kick off Jazz Aan De Sjtasie 2024 with a bang in Swalmen!

Join us on June 7 for an extraordinary opening night. We’re thrilled to have Saskia Laroo and Warren Byrd as our artists in residence, featuring throughout the festival June 7-9 and performing on 'Lazy Sunday' with the Saskia Laroo Band. Experience live performances from international jazz and funk icons like Joseph 'Mr. Defunkt' Bowie and Kim Clarke, and enjoy the artistry of local stars such as Coen van Dam, Funky Ferd, and Steady Freddy.

About Jazz Aan de Sjtasie Dive into the unique, hip vibe of this groovy jazz festival, set in the picturesque south of the country in Swalmen, near Roermond. With multiple stages—both outdoor and indoor—and impromptu acts, plus the irresistible grooves of DJAZZDANCE, this is a music lover’s paradise. Stay tuned for more updates via jazzaandesjtasie.nl. #JazzAanDeSjtasie #OpeningNight #JazzMusic #SaskiaLaroo #WarrenByrd #GlobalJazzIcons

Early Bird: 3 day pass: Euro 30

Duo Laroo/Byrd Live

 — (EDT, UTC-04) — (EDT, UTC-04)

Uno Pizzeria & Grill, 820 Hall of Fame Avenue, Springfield, MA

🎷✨ Break your week with Duo Laroo/Byrd Live!

Enjoy their original styled Funk, Soul, Blues, Bossa-Nova, and Jazz on Wednesday May 29, 2024, from 5:30-8:30pm at Uno Pizzeria & Grill, 820 at the Hall of Fame Avenue, located in Springfield, MA . #DuoLarooByrd #LiveMusic #Funk #Soul #Blues #BossaNova #Jazz #SpringfieldEvents #UnoPizzeria

📅 Date: May 29, 2024 🕕 Time: 5:30-8:30pm 📍 Location: Uno Pizzeria & Grill, 820 Hall of Fame Avenue, Springfield, MA

Line up: Warren Byrd: keys, vocals, bongos Saskia Laroo: trumpet, alto sax, bass, vocals

About the music: Laroo and Byrd are known for their unique musical style that blends a variety of genres, including dance classics, the American songbook, and afro-Latin rhythms, along with their own original compositions. They are versatile performers, capable of creating the perfect atmosphere for any event, from large gala celebrations to cozy, intimate gatherings.

About Duo Laroo/Byrd: Trumpeter/composer/bandleader Saskia Laroo from Amsterdam and international pianist/composer Warren Byrd from the United States have been a strong musical duo for over 15 years. They have made significant contributions to the professional music world, both domestically and internationally. They have performed at festivals and concert halls in countries such as Hong Kong, Burundi, Vietnam, the US, and Indonesia. In 2011, they released the album "Two Of A Kind, a tribute to Miles & Monk"

Saskia Laroo with the Afro-Semitic Experience - Live @ Toronto

 — (EDT, UTC-04) — (EDT, UTC-04)

Jewish Music Week @ Borochov Cultural Center, 272 Codsell Avenue, Toronto, Canada

The Afro-Semitic Experience returns to Toronto for the first time since 2019 to play the opening concert event for Toronto Jewish Week. Come be a part of the experience!!

Co-founded by African-American jazz pianist Warren Byrd, and Jewish-American jazz bassist David Chevan in 1998, The Afro-Semitic Experience is a band that combines an eclectic array of styles, sophisticated musicianship, good songwriting, deep grooves, and years of friendship with a simple message: Unity in the Community.

Jewish Music Week is an exciting week of concerts, recitals and musical events throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Founded in 2011, the festival celebrates all styles of Jewish music, as well as the Jewish contribution to mainstream genres of music. Our programs include Sephardic and Klezmer, Holocaust music and Israeli pop, Broadway and Hollywood, Chassidic Nigunim and Yiddish Theatre, Jazz and Big Band, Cantorial, folk, gospel, bluegrass and more! Jewish Music Week partners with many Toronto organizations for the benefit of the entire community. All daytime events are free, and many of the Gala Evening Concerts benefit Toronto synagogues or local charities. With performances all over town, you won't have to travel far to enjoy a spectacular musical event. Join us – as a volunteer, a performer, a donor or a member of our audience. Jewish Music Week has something for everyone!

General Admission CA$39.67 incl. CA$3.67 Fee

🎷✨ Start your weekend with Duo Laroo/Byrd Live!

Get ready for a fun evening filled with original Funk, Soul, Blues, Bossa-Nova, and Jazz at The Deckbar on May 24, 2024, from 6-9pm! Join the dynamic duo Laroo/Byrd at Northampton Union Station, 125 Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA, for a captivating live performance #DuoLarooByrd #LiveMusic #Funk #Soul #Blues #BossaNova #Jazz #NorthamptonEvents #TheDeckbar

📅 Date: May 24, 2024 🕕 Time: 6-9pm 📍 Location: The Deckbar, Northampton Union Station, 125 Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA, US

Line up: Warren Byrd: keys, vocals, bongos Saskia Laroo: trumpet, alto sax, bass, vocals

About the music: Laroo and Byrd are known for their unique musical style that blends a variety of genres, including dance classics, the American songbook, and afro-Latin rhythms, along with their own original compositions. They are versatile performers, capable of creating the perfect atmosphere for any event, from large gala celebrations to cozy, intimate gatherings.

About Duo Laroo/Byrd: Trumpeter/composer/bandleader Saskia Laroo from Amsterdam and international pianist/composer Warren Byrd from the United States have been a strong musical duo for over 15 years. They have made significant contributions to the professional music world, both domestically and internationally. They have performed at festivals and concert halls in countries such as Hong Kong, Burundi, Vietnam, the US, and Indonesia. In 2011, they released the album "Two Of A Kind, a tribute to Miles & Monk"

Join Música Franklin for our 6th annual Fun Fest, a free festival featuring musical performances, entertainment, and crafts for the whole family! Listen to world-class music, try your hand at an instrument in our “petting zoo”, create a make-and-take craft project, play with giant bubbles, jump on our giant piano mat, shop local craft vendors, and grab a bite from the nearby food trucks. It’s all happening at the beautiful Unity Park in downtown Turners Falls. ​We have an AMAZING lineup of performers for Fun Fest 2024! On the website, click on their pictures below for full bios

Join us every first Friday of the month at the new floating jazz stage in Scheveningen Marina for an evening of exceptional music with Heleen Schuttevaer! This time, we're featuring the talented trumpeter Saskia Laroo, who will be performing jazz standards, Latin grooves, funky beats, and bebop. Accompanied by Bart Tarenskeen on bass and Eric Ineke on drums, the Yacht Club Scheveningen's clubhouse transforms into a New York-style jazz spot. Free entry. For more information and registration, visit our website. #JazzNight #ScheveningenJazz #HeleenSchuttevaer #SaskiaLaroo #FreeJazz #LiveMusic #JazzClub #NewYorkJazz #LatinGrooves #JazzLovers

Free entrance but reservation required

Celebrate King's Day with a Royal Jazz Session! The Saskia Laroo Band welcomes legendary saxophonist Hans Dulfer to the Royal Jazz Festival stage at the Bullekerk in Zaandam on April 27th from 5-6pm! This FREE concert marks their third consecutive year at this beloved festival, and it's sure to be a showstopper. Don't miss this chance to experience a unique blend of jazz virtuosity in a stunning historic venue. ✨ Arrive early to secure your spot. #RoyalJazzSession #KingsDay2024 #SaskiaLarooBand #HansDulfer #JazzFestival #FreeConcert #ZaandamEvents #LiveJazz #Bullekerk #DutchJazz

Saskia Laroo Band - Jazz, Funk, Hiphop To The Max!

(CEST, UTC+02) (CEST, UTC+02)

Muziekcafe Stiels, Smedestraat 21, Haarlem, Netherlands

Get ready to groove to the max! The Saskia Laroo Band is bringing their explosive blend of jazz, funk, and hip hop to Music Cafe Stiels on April 25th! Mark your calendars for 9 PM and prepare to be blown away by their electrifying sound and infectious energy. ⚡️ This is a night you won't want to miss. Free entrance. Doors open 8:30 pm Let's get this party started! #SaskiaLarooBand #JazzFunkHipHopFusion #GrooveToTheMax #ElectrifyingSounds #MuziekcafeStielsLive #HaarlemNights #FreeConcertHaarlem #MusicCafeStiels #AprilJazzNights #GetYourGrooveOn

Laroo/Byrd Funky4 - Original Live Funk

(EDT, UTC-04) (EDT, UTC-04)

Music Restaurant The Flying Monkey, 2095 Berlin Tpk, Newington, CT

Get ready for a groove-filled evening at The Flying Monkey this Friday, April 20th, from 5:30 till 9:30 pm! 🎷🍽️ Join Laroo/Byrd Funky4 for an electrifying performance that promises more than just music. With Saskia Laroo and Warren Byrd leading the way, immerse yourself in a blend of jazzy funk, blues, reggae, and Latin grooves. This isn't just a concert; it's a dining experience where the beats are as delectable as the eats. Don't let this unforgettable night of music and dining pass you by. Reserve your table now at 860-436-5144 and let the good times roll! What's funkier than a monkey? Find out this Friday at The Flying Monkey! 🎶🐒 #LarooByrdFunky4 #TheFlyingMonkeyCT #FunkyFriday #MusicAndEats #ConcertExperience #ReserveNow #GoodTimesRoll

Saskia Laroo and Jazz Quintet ft Warren Byrd

(EDT, UTC-04) (EDT, UTC-04)

McLean , 50 Sarah Lane, Simsbury, CT

🎷🌸 Swing into spring with a soulful afternoon of jazz at McLean Retirement Community! 🌸🎷

Join us on April 13th, from 2-3 PM, for an unforgettable performance by the illustrious Saskia Laroo & Warren Byrd Jazz Group. Dive into a selection of American Songbook classics and original compositions, capped off with an exclusive meet-and-greet with the artists themselves.

Thanks to the Richard P. Garmany Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, this musical journey is completely FREE and open to everyone. But remember, space is limited, so secure your spot today!

Dutch trumpeter Saskia Laroo, dubbed the "Lady Miles Davis," brings a unique blend of jazz, soul, blues, and electronic music that resonates with all. Don't miss this opportunity to experience live jazz magic in a cozy and friendly atmosphere.

RSVP now and let's jazz up this spring together! 🎺✨

Made Possible by The Richard P. Garmany Fund at Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. This event is free and open to the public, but an RSVP is required.

Laroo/Byrd Funky4

(EDT, UTC-04) (EDT, UTC-04)

Music Restaurant The Flying Monkey, 2095 Berlin Tpk, Newington, CT

Dive into a night of vibrant rhythms and flavors this Friday, April 5th, at The Flying Monkey from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM! 🎶🍴 Laroo/Byrd Funky4 brings the house down with their electrifying fusion of funk, jazz, blues, reggae, and Latin grooves. Join us for an unforgettable dining and music experience that will have you grooving all night long. Amazing food, soul-stirring music, and a vibe like no other await. Don't miss your chance to be part of the fun — reserve your table now at 860-436-5144! 🕺💃 #LarooByrdFunky4 #TheFlyingMonkeyCT #FunkyFriday #MusicAndEats #ConcertExperience #ReserveNow #GoodTimesRoll

Jazzkia (Saskia Laroo Jazz Quartet)

(CEST, UTC+02) (CEST, UTC+02)

Meerjazz in Fort Noxx, Hoofdweg 739, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands

More Jazz Café: Saskia Laroo Jazzkia feat. Warren Byrd Jazz Up Your Spring with Saskia Laroo and JAZZKIA at Fort Noxx! Mark your calendars for an unforgettable afternoon of jazz on March 31st at 3:30 PM! ️ The iconic Fort Noxx in Hoofddorp will come alive with the soulful sounds of trumpeter and vocalist Saskia Laroo, her electrifying band JAZZKIA (Saskia Laroo Jazz Quartet), and special guest Warren Byrd on piano and vocals. ️ This performance marks the exciting launch of the Meerjazz Concert Series, a phoenix rising from the ashes of the beloved Meerjazz Festival. Don't miss this chance to experience world-class jazz in a stunning, historic setting. Tickets are for free. Suitable for young people, Adults, Seniors For more information visit https://visithaarlemmermeer.nl/en/agenda/meer-jazz-cafe-saskia-laroo-jazzkia-feat-warren-byrd See you there!

Saskia Laroo & Warren Byrd with Elsa's Trio

(CET, UTC+01) (CET, UTC+01)

ELSA`S EET- EN JAZZCAFÉ, Middenweg 73, Amsterdam, NL

Thrilled to announce our return performance at the legendary Elsa's Cafe, Amsterdam! 🎷🎤 Join Warren Byrd & me for an enchanting evening of jazz standards and classics from the American Songbook, alongside the talented Elsa's Trio. 🎶✨ Don't miss this free event for an unforgettable night of music and joy. 🎹🎸🥁 #JazzNight #ElsasCafe #AmsterdamJazz #FreeConcert #WarrenByrd #LiveMusic #JazzStandards #AmericanSongbook #MusicLovers PS, Warren Byrd will be on vocals and I will play trumpet and sax and will be accompanied by Elsa's Trio (keys, bass, drums).

Einde van de Wereld: Music & Poetry on Quo Vadis Join for an evening of music and poetry aboard the Quo Vadis boat in Amsterdam. While Duo Laroo/Byrd will be there with their captivating jazz, expect performances by other talented musicians and poets as well. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and enjoy the unique setting on the water. For more information and specific dates of performances, visit the Einde van de Wereld website: https://www.eindevandewereld.nl/agenda1.php Don't miss this special event!